I thought I would explain more of what Jody has been dealing with. I know there's others out there dealing with the same thing and not getting any answers.

First I will tell you I know her pain is for real. I go to the drs, the er and live with her to know it is real. Yes she might have a good day and no sometimes you cant tell she is sick but I have seen it.

This is what has been going on ( sorry some might be tmi but I want to make sure you get the whole picture):

1) Eating: Well its become either every other day or every 3-4 days. Why? As soon as she eats its either she's throwing up or its coming out the other end. Yes I know what a lot of you are thinking it cant come out that fast it takes time to go down. I have seen it happen, otherwise I would say the same thing. And no it doesn't matter what it is.

2)Adhesion disorder or ARD: You can go here to read more about it  http://www.adhesions.org/faqs.htm . It causes a lot of pain. No it doesn't matter what she is doing. The pain is always there. We have been doing research and found out that some of the medication and surgeries she has had in the past for endometriosis might not been the cause of her pain the whole time. But again back then they really didn't know about ARD ,they still don't.

3) Endometriosis, Ovarian cyst, Fibroid on Uterus: Did you know that Endometriosis doesn't just attack the female organs but can spread through the female body like cancer? I didn't either. But again more pain. I know some of you are saying well just remove all of the female organs problem solved. Not that simple. Due to ARD more surgeries mean more Adhesions.

4) RSD or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: Jody has been dealing with this since around 2001-2002. It started after she had fallen down a flight of stairs. Here is a website you can check out for more info about it: http://www.rsdhope.org/.

5) Headaches: I know everyone gets headaches but she gets them a lot.

6) COPD: Yes she does smoke. She has tried to quit and right now is on Chantix and is down to 5 cigarette's a day. But I honestly don't think that is what has caused all her breathing troubles. A close friend of hers even said the same thing. Will get into this more later.

7) Hair falling out): Ok I know we all lose our hair, but not like this. You shouldn't end up with a clump of hair after just running your hands through her hair.

8) Knee issues) When we went to the dr years ago the dr said Jody was just dealt a bad hand and would need knee replacements . Know we have been to 2 orthos drs within days of each other. Had MRI done on her knees. When we went to the Ortho dr this last time, the dr was stumped. He said it was like looking in a mirror. He doubled checked to make sure he wasn't looking at the same knee twice. He said there is something going on with her knees but what not for sure.

Tests that have been done lately:
MRI on knees
MRI with dye to check gallbladder
blood work

I am going to try to write more about each thing and what Jody goes through on a daily basis. So watch my post.

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