Hi Everyone. Hope everyone had a great week. The weather is getting colder. Calling for snow here in Tennessee. We both moved down here to get away from the snow. For the 1s who don't know Jody lived in TN before me. We grew up 3hrs from each other in NY but never knew each other. We met here in Knoxville TN.
We are both so not ready for this cold. 1st it ups Jody's pain level a lot. 2nd out furnace still is not fixed all the way. Will cost to much $ to get it fixed and right now with medical bills & medications cost we don't have it. This is what I learned this year about furnace & heat pumps this year, We don't have heat pumps in NY so this is new to use. It takes Freon to run the heat pump, I didn't know that. So the Freon is out so to run furnace it has to be on emergency heat which it raises our electric bill a lot. Cant afford a high bill this year. 3rd still haven't had the $ to fix the heater core in truck yet. I will have to figure something out before Jodys next drs appointment. She will not be a happy camper with no heat in truck plus her pain level will go up real high.
Jody has been doing the same. Just waiting for the 13th of November to see what the drs have to say. The 1 pill she has been taking I can tell is working some. It doesn't take her depression away but has taken her mood swings away. I know that might have sound bad but it wasn't meant to. I love her no matter what. Just with everything going on with her body I think it messes with her hormones.
She is still having issues with keeping food down. Still no change at all there. Wish she could eat & keep it down. There is times she wont eat at all that day & night. Which makes me feel bad eating in front of her.
I go the 10th to the eye dr to get pressure in my eyes checked. I went without eye drops for my glaucoma for awhile due to not being able to afford them.
We had to go the er a couple weekends ago due to my left side of my face (just the left side) from the top of my head down to my throat has been numb. Its really weird. Anyhow they did a ct scan due to the brain bleed I had during my car accident a couple years ago they were afraid it had come back. But it showed no bleed only the dead spot that's there now & no stroke. So that's good. They said it sounds like bell's palsy. It should go away after a couple weeks. Well it still hasn't gone away. It doesn't hurt just really bothers me. I don't dare to shave either as I am afraid I might cut myself due to it being numb.
Well I am getting off from here I have to get back to work. I hope everyone has a great Halloween & be safe out there.
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